Message from the Director
Hello TEAM Families & Community,
It is truly an honor and a privilege for me to serve as your Executive Director. My focus for this year and every year, is to create a safe and secure learning environment where strong partnerships and respectful relationships can flourish. It is only by working together that we can build the kind of momentum that will launch the TEAM Charter Family of Schools into a new era of possibilities for students, parents, and the entire Stockton community.
We continue to develop and enhance a variety of our programs that will help facilitate this collaborative process, including; ongoing improvements to our building infrastructures, increasing extracurricular programs, enhancing curriculum offerings including; After-school programs, social-emotional programs, our K-8 Math program - Illustrative Mathematics and Project Lead the Way (Science program) at the middle school. Throughout the school year, we will showcase these great programs and highlight the joy of teaching and learning.
Family partnerships are essential to us, and we closely monitor our staff size to meet the needs of all campuses. Expect to hear directly from our Parent and Community Outreach Specialist from your campus throughout the year, and be prepared to engage with all of the interactive offerings we have. We are here to answer your questions and support where needed. We encourage you to invite your friends and family to enroll their students.
It is always our goal for students to attend school regularly. Chronic absenteeism negatively impacts learning to such a degree that we recognize it as a top priority second only to student safety. Parents and families play a huge role in promoting student attendance; teachers, administrators, and counselors can offer student support and programs to improve attendance, but parent involvement makes all the difference in ensuring regular student attendance. We continue to partner with community agencies and organizations to help promote regular school attendance. Everyone in our community can make a difference by helping students, and families understand that coming to school every day is critical to their academic achievement. Together we can make school attendance a community priority so that all our students achieve success!!
As I reflect on our accomplishments, I cannot adequately express how fortunate I feel to be part of such a wonderful school community. It is an honor for me to serve TEAM students, parents, and partners in the local community.
Angela Phillips
Executive Director