
Explore the Thrill of TEAM Sports!

At TEAM, we believe in the power of sports to not only foster physical fitness but also to build character, teamwork, and a sense of community. Our school proudly partners with the City of Stockton Community Services Department to offer exciting opportunities for students to engage in competitive and collaborative sports experiences. Currently, our focus lies on two dynamic sports – basketball and soccer.

Basketball Team: Shoot for Success

Join our Basketball Team and experience the exhilaration of the game, the thrill of competition, and the joy of teamwork. Our dedicated coaches emphasize skill development, sportsmanship, and a passion for the sport. Whether you're a seasoned player or just discovering the world of basketball, our team provides a supportive environment to hone your skills and compete with pride.

What to Expect:

  • Regular practice sessions to enhance individual and team skills
  • Participation in city-wide tournaments and competitions
  • A strong emphasis on sportsmanship, leadership, and personal growth

Lace up your sneakers, perfect your dribbling, and join the TEAM Basketball squad to shoot for success on and off the court!

Soccer Team: Kickstart Your Journey

Get ready to kickstart your soccer journey with our vibrant Soccer Team. From mastering the art of ball control to scoring goals with finesse, our coaches are dedicated to helping players develop their skills and love for the game. Join a community that values teamwork, discipline, and the sheer joy of playing soccer.

What to Expect:

  • Skill-building drills and training sessions
  • Participation in local soccer leagues and events
  • A supportive and inclusive team environment that encourages growth

Whether you're a soccer enthusiast or looking to discover a new passion, the TEAM Soccer Team is the perfect platform to kickstart your soccer journey!